Saturday, March 26, 2011

Article on Gluten Free Dieting

This article from Yahoo News makes some good points about gluten-free diets. Debbie Johnson's book, "Fun With Gluten-Free/Low-Glycemic Cooking" shows you how to make meals that are not only without gluten, but the heavy glycemic (sugar) element so prevalent in gluten-free diets.

Monday, March 14, 2011

This is Gluten-Free AND Low-Glycemic

There are lots of cookbooks that show you how to prepare meals that are gluten-free (no wheat) for the gluten intolerant and there are cookbooks for diabetics who need to eat meals that are low in sugar. This eBook, by Debbie Johnson, author of the best-seller, "Think Yourself Thin," combines both. "Fun With Gluten-Free/Low-Glycemic Cooking" was written with the idea in mind that people who have health challenges ought to be able to enjoy delicious, easy to make meals that won't spike their blood sugar or flare up wheat allergies.

Some of these recipes are so simple and good that you don't even have to be diabetic or gluten-intolerant to enjoy them and benefit from them. My personal favorite is the Carob-Mint Brownies on page 96, in Chapter 5, Delectable Desserts. These brownies do not taste like carob, not that that is a bad thing, but Debbie's combining of Carob powder, ground Chicory root, Vanilla extract and Peppermint oil creates a flavor that's identical to Chocolate without it being real Chocolate.

So, if you need some health-filled ideas of what to make for breakfast, lunch or dinner or even snacks for the road, try this eBook, Fun With Gluten-Free / Low-Glycemic Cooking, by Debbie Johson

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