Thursday, May 31, 2007

Neocons, Feeling a Little Uneasy These Days?

Ron Paul articulates the traditional Republican message. Apparently it's been lost on those who feel that the Neocon agenda should supercede the Constitution and the advice of the Founding Fathers to future generations of Americans.

Here's Ron Paul on CNN:

Conventional political wisdom suggests first you must win the party's nomination, then go after the main election. However, there is a storm brewing and the winds are howling "RON PAUL!"

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Obama Is Done!!

Today, Barack Obama announced his plan for Universal Health Care Coverage. I am adamantly opposed to Universal Health Care because it places our health care at the mercy of politics.

Anyone who practices or uses alternative health care should note that this is a major advancement toward removing your livelihood and your choices.

Here's the beginning of the article:

Obama offers universal health care plan
By MIKE GLOVER, Associated Press Writer

IOWA CITY, Iowa - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) on Tuesday offered a sweeping health care plan that would provide every citizen a means for coverage and calls on government, businesses and consumers to share the costs of the program.

Obama said his plan could save the average consumer $2,500 a year and bring health care to all. Campaign aides estimated the cost of the program at $50 billion to $65 billion a year, financed largely by eliminating tax cuts for the wealthy that are scheduled to expire. President Bush wants to make those cuts permanent.

Here's the link to the whole article: Obama Health Plan.


The plan proposes to reduce health insurance premiums for those already insured. It also increases taxes to help cover the costs of the program.

A doctor friend of mine made a suggestion that makes much more sense. His plan would be to reform the health insurance industry so that they would only offer major medical coverage. That means catastrophic care and hospitalization. All of the other costs such as exams, lab testing, therapies and prescriptions should be determined by market forces, ie... make doctors, specialists and drug companies compete for the business and bring their costs into line with what people can afford on their own.

I don't want bureaucrats, who don't know me, have any say over how I attend to my health needs. You shouldn't either. This is another reason why we need Dr. Ron Paul in the White House. Dr. Paul understands, not just the taxation implications of socialized medicine, he understands the assault on our personal freedoms plans like this pose.

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Monday, May 28, 2007

Easy way to donate to the Ron Paul campaign

Try this search site:

50 Percent of the proceeds generated from advertisers on this search site will go to the Ron Paul campaign.

Grade School Politics Never Grow Up

I liked this article from Ben Stein on Yahoo's finance page today. Here's his headline: "Playing Politics At the Pump."

Here's the link:

Here's the article in full below:

Posted on Thursday, May 24, 2007, 12:00AM
Back when I was a student at Parkside Elementary School in Silver Spring, Md., in the mid-1950s, there used to be a day each year when the class went to Annapolis, the state capital.

We would sit in the legislators' seats and pretend to be state assemblymen. Then we would sit in the state supreme court justices' seats and pretend to be jurists. We would even sit in the governor's seat (I think his name was McKeldin) and pretend to be governor.

But we weren't really legislators or justices or governors. We were just little fourth or fifth graders sitting in high officials' chairs. We didn't really have any idea of how to govern a state or judge a case or pass a sensible law. We were just kids.

Playing Government

Time passed, as it so cruelly does. I went to work at the White House for presidents Nixon and Ford. I worked with cabinet members and with the president. I occasionally (OK, rarely) sat in on cabinet meetings. I got briefings from high officials.

Here's a small part of what I learned: None of those big names was especially brilliant. None of them had any super-genius insights or strategies. They weren't Thomas Jefferson or James Madison -- they were just ordinary people with the same limitations all people have.

It occurred to me as I worked with those world-famous names that it was Annapolis Day back at Parkside Elementary all over again. We were just big kids in fancy suits sitting in the chairs of famous men and women, pretending we were smart and knew how to solve intractable problems.

But we didn't, and the problems persisted. If any got solved, it was usually just due to the passage of time or luck or circumstance. Or maybe it was the daily adjustment to change of hundreds of millions of Americans that solved the problems. It generally wasn't the hand of government regulation or the non-existent genius of the bureaucrats.

A Rush to Punish

All this comes to mind because I read that something called "the Stupak bill" just passed in Congress. This bill, named for a representative from the great state of Michigan, basically gives us a socialized energy industry. (As of this writing, President Bush has threatened to veto the bill.)

Of course the bill doesn't come right out and say that, because Americans are wary of socialism. But the Stupak bill allows the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue findings of price gouging against energy companies based on the slenderest of assumptions rather than real evidence, leading to severe punishment for the companies.

This regulation could be triggered by actions that are basic to the free market -- for instance, when an oil company raises prices because there's a shortage of oil due to a revolution in Nigeria that shuts down production in the Niger Delta, or a hurricane that closes refineries in Louisiana.

In the most elemental terms, then, the Stupak bill punishes oil companies when the free market is working as it should, allocating supply by means of the price system.

Suffering the Consequences

When I say punishing the oil companies, I mean that the Stupak bill allows compulsory lowering of fuel prices. That will mean service stations running out of gas, long lines at the pump, and people unable to get to work or school or the hospital.

Who will really be punished when the bill is enacted? Not the top dogs at the energy companies -- they'll continue to be well paid. No, the drivers and homeowners of America who can't get gasoline and heating oil will be the ones to suffer. And ordinary investors who own stock in oil companies are also going to be punished. But everyone will suffer from indulging the fantasy that waving a government magic wand can solve real problems.

The FTC already had the authority to investigate price gougers based on real facts, not just prejudices. The Stupak bill adds nothing to that power. The Justice Department already had the power to investigate price fixing and collusion to violate antitrust laws. Both the FTC and Justice have the authority to go to court to enjoin and punish such acts -- so long as they're genuine.

There Are Always Alternatives

The Stupak bill is just a way for an eager Congressman to grab the spotlight and act as if he's found a better way to run the economy than the free market. He's just a big kid with a fancy chair in the capitol -- but he's dangerous, as little kids with power tend to be.

Mind you, I dislike high gasoline prices, too. I hate that so much of our money goes to petro-states. But socialized energy isn't the way out of trouble -- it's the way into trouble, a la the gas lines and "no gas today" signs of the early '70s. It's frightening how little we human beings learn from our mistakes.

So what's the way out for us? Drive less often. Buy a smaller car. Don't consider burning gasoline via aimless cruising as a legitimate form of amusement. Open the windows and turn off the air conditioner. Walk instead of drive. Stay home and read a book.

But don't socialize Big Oil -- that's a guaranteed disaster.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ron Paul, The Story So Far

Llamabread on just poted this summary video of the Ron Paul campaign:

It's about 8 minutpes long, but it gives a very succinct and entertaining re-cap of the campaign.

The more people know about this guy, the more they want his kind of leadership in the White House.

It's time for the NeoCons to step aside and let a real Republican take the reins.

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God Bless the Patriot

Ron Paul is at again. I nearly wept as I read his inspired speech before Congress on May 22nd. Here is the transcript.

Read the whole thing.

We need Ron Paul, now more than ever.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Taking Shots

The following is the latest YouTube release of Ron Paul's highlights at the last Republican debate on May 3:

He takes on challenges from the debate moderators, Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes.

In my opinion, Ron Paul distanced himself further from the mainstream of the Republican party. On the other hand he may draw more people who weren't Republicans or Republicans, who've felt alienated from the Party's power base to his side. Will it be enough to win Ron Paul the Party's nomination? I certainly hope so, but we won't know until the primaries next year.

In the exchange with Giuliani, the former NY mayor suggeted that Paul's explanation for the causes of 9/11 attacks were absurd. Giuliani assumes that as a 'survivor of 9/11', he is more of an expert than Ron Paul in understanding the causes for 9/11. This is fallacious at best, since Ron Paul had been serving in Congress before, during and after the 9/11 attacks. Paul had access to CIA reports, served on the House International Relations committee and voted on international policy legislation. Rudy Giuliani was no more than mayor of New York City. Who would be in a better position to understand U.S. foreign policy and the causes for an attack on American soil?

Giuliani's rebuke of Paul drew ovations from the live audience. Then he asked Ron Paul to withdraw his remarks. Paul refused and reiterated his understanding of the causes for the attack! The live audience response may have favored Giuliani, but that says nothing about the national TV audience or the Internet viewers. Different pundits and bloggers are claiming victory for Giuliani, but I don't think so. Like the National ID issue in the first debate, Paul schooled Giuliani again, but I don't think Giuliani gets it.

Paul got taken to task over abortion and the Iraq war by Hannity and Colmes in a post-debate interview, which turned into a Crossfire-style argument where no one was swayed from their position.

Whether you believe he's winning or losing these debate points and challenges, Ron Paul is further defining himself as his own person. That registers in my mind as a win. The other candidates are striving virulently to prove who is the best Republican. Paul is showing he is the best man for the Presidency.

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Giuliani Gets Schooled

Here's a video of Ron Paul explaining our failing Middle East policy. His logic is very strong:

I especially liked what he said about being a strong president at the end. I've been waiting to hear this message from a Presidential candidate for a long time.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ron Paul's Presidential Exploratory Committee Message

The following YouTube clip is Ron Paul's Presidential Exploratory Committee message.

I love what he's saying. It's the breath of fresh air, I believe, Americans have been looking for. He stands on the principles of the Constitution, yet somehow he will made out to be some kind of kook.

The popularity he is accumulating on the Internet is like an end run that the mainstream media is going to have to deal with. During the Presidential Debates on May 3rd, Chris Matthews seemed to be laughing at him. In the post-debate polls, Ron Paul appeared to be the clear winner as his message resonated with the viewers.

Some still think he's a kook. They will try to dissuade people from supporting him as a weak plea for reason and good sense. I hope to see the day when they find how reality shows how out of touch they really are.

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Ron Paul Gaining Internet Momentum

The following is a press release from the Ron Paul for President campaign. Since the debate, his message of freedom and limited government is finding greater appeal.


May 8, 2007

ARLINGTON, VA – Congressman Ron Paul's support has soared since the first Republican presidential debate. Conservative commentator John McLaughlin, host of “The McLaughlin Group," cited Ron Paul as having given "the best performance of the debate." In fact, the Paul campaign's apparent strength has many other pundits scrambling to explain it. Paul campaign officials offer the following examples of the candidate's rising success.

Since the debate on May 3, Ron Paul:

1. Handily won two post-debate polls posted by event sponsor MSNBC.
2. Placed a close third (18%) in a post-debate poll on the conservative Drudge Report.
3. Won an online debate poll with 84%.
4. Won a C-SPAN online GOP candidate poll with 69%.
5. Became the third most-mentioned person in the blogosphere, beating out Paris Hilton, according to the reputable
6. Produced a video that was ranked the 8th most popular overall video, and the most-viewed political video.
7. Was featured, by popular demand, on the front of
8. Generated so many bulletin posts on that the site owner News Corp. blocked all additional posts about Dr. Paul.
9. Became a "most searched" term on Google and Yahoo!.
10. Saw a quadrupling of daily visitors to"These figures speak for themselves," said campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "Ron Paul has quickly become a strong contender for the GOP nomination because of his powerful message of freedom and limited government."


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Monday, May 07, 2007

Ron Paul at the Debate

Republican Presidential candidate, Ron Paul participated in a debate at the Ronald Reagan Library on May 3, 2007. He was one of 10 contenders including frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and John McCain.

Here's the video clip of Ron Paul's answers to the debate questions:

Ron Paul, in my opinion, is the most trustworthy of all of the Presidential candidates I have seen so far. He is a strict Constitutionalist, who really advocates less government, lower taxes - including inflation and a cessation of meddling in the affairs of other nations. Democrats and liberals should be happy about his stances on the Iraq war. They won't be happy on his stances on abortion and embryonic stem-cell research. However, he is not an activist on these issues and believes they should be worked out by the states and in the marketplace.

For more information about Ron Paul's campaign, go to .

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Don Juan Lives

Last week my wife and I attended a reading by a local Santa Cruz, California, author, Douglas Carlton Abrams. Abrams' book, "The Lost Diary of Don Juan" was just released last week by Atria, the same publisher as Dan Brown's "DaVinci Code" and "Angels and Demons."

Abrams account is not just another re-telling of the notorious seducer of women, it is a delicious romp through colonial-era Seville when gold flowed into Europe's portway to the New World.

Abrams told his audience at his book signing that the inspiration for the 'Lost Diary' came from a burning question he put forth to the ethers. He asked, 'Is it possible to enjoy a life of supreme passion with only one woman, with whom he is in a committed relationship?' (My paraphrasing). The next day an inner voice began speaking to him compelling him to write down what would later become the 'Lost Diary...' It took him about a month to finish the dictation from his inner muse, but that's not where his work ended. He later travelled to Seville to research the streets, the barrios, churches and palaces that served as the backdrop of his novel. In the meantime, the city fathers of Seville, (Sevilla in Spanish) declared 2007 the be the "Year of Don Juan," the city's most illustrious literary character.

Abrams also led a tour of journalists through Sevilla to help the city celebrate the resurgence of Don Juan.

What did I enjoy most about Abram's work? Abrams takes you on a ride of incredible rhythmic and lyrical beauty. It frames the story within the context of its place and time. It shows the decadence of Spain's golden age, permitted by King Phillip II and at the same time controlled through the Office of the Inquisition. The book tries to be extremely faithful to the history of the times and convinces me of its success. I would need to make a careful study of the history in order to measure it's authenticity and accuracy. However, the portrayal is vibrant and alive with it's portrayal of human behavior that forms a tapestry of lingering impressions of late 16th Century Spain.

The original depictions of Don Juan cast him as a cunning and callous libertine who cared nothing about the hearts he broke. This story, as in some of the more recent ones tell of another side of Don Juan, one who truly appreciates the women, with whom he has affairs and demontrates genuine heroism. He not only seduces but is seduced in his quest to master the arts of carnal pleasures. His higher instincts trigger an awakening that shows him that there is something beyond the mysteries of female desire, - the mysteries of the heart.

If you like to read historical fiction and romance, I highly recommend "The Lost Diary of Don Juan."

For more information, here is the book's official website:

and the author's blog: The Lost Blog of Don Juan

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